North American Society of Toxinology

     NAST was formed in 2012 to support the Venom Week symposia and advance the science of all things venomous. Venom Week meetings are North America-based but global in faculty, attendees, and scope of topics. You don’t have to live in North America to be a member and membership is open to all who have an interest in things venomous. Your yearly membership dues help to advance the science and support scholarship funds and future Venom Week Bi-Annual meetings. Membership qualifies you for a discount on Venom Week registration fees.

     You may join at any time–and will be billed yearly on your anniversary. The North American Society of Toxinology is a 501(c)(3) organization under the the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. You may cancel at any time.

    Welcome to our new membership system! This updated platform is designed to be more user-friendly and to provide greater benefits to our members, including access to exclusive newsletters, discussion boards, and more. If you were an active, paid member in our previous system and have not yet received information about your membership, please reach out to us so we can assist you without any additional charges.

North American Society of Toxinology Membership Form


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